Breden, a local company specialising in the manufacture and sale of eco-friendly headwear and merino clothing, is relocating to Porto Franco after a major rebranding to reduce the company’s environmental footprint and accelerate its progress towards its sustainable goals.
“We like to imagine that Breden was born in Märjamaa, went to kindergarten at the Ülemiste technology campus and is now starting his school career in the heart of Tallinn, in Porto Franco, turning his gaze from arriving and departing planes to ships. We are an environmentally friendly company with a progressive approach, and we want to follow the same principle throughout the company. That’s why we decided to move to three times smaller and much more energy-efficient offices, thereby also reducing the environmental footprint of our employees,” emphasised Kristel Mets, CEO of Breden.
Breden has changed its focus as part of the rebranding process. The brand, which previously manufactured and sold primarily children’s clothing, is now focusing on headwear and merino clothes, suitable for all members of the family. The company aims to make the planet cleaner place for future generations, and therefore invests in a balance between production and the environment. Breden’s carbon footprint has been reduced year on year, while the company has been able to maintain the same level of quality, fit and comfort.
According to Rauno Teder, the chairman of Porto Franco’s management board, the Porto Franco site and buildings stand out for their spaciousness, brightness, low energy costs and smart solutions. “I believe this is the ideal environment for all new tenants to achieve great success. The port has always been a symbol of freedom, and the spaciousness, size, good location and world-class architecture create a truly diverse urban environment in Porto Franco,” said Rauno Teder. The author of the concept for Porto Franco is Tom Klingholz of the London-based international architecture firm Chapman Taylor. The architectural design is by Estonian architects Mihkel Tüür and Ott Kadarik of the innovative and contemporary architectural firm Kadarik, Tüür. Architects. Porto Franco is also applying for the LEED Gold (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Certificate, which recognises buildings designed, constructed, and operated according to the principles of environmental protection and sustainable development.