Ports have always symbolised freedom. Inspired by freedom, the sea, and the history of the Old City Harbour, the most seaside commercial and office development in Estonia was named Porto Franco.
Openness, excellent location, and world-class architecture create a diverse urban environment, shifting the centre of Tallinn closer to the sea. Porto Franco — the new heart of the city, making Tallinn a fully-fledged seaside city.
The concept of Porto Franco was created by Tom Klingolz from the international London-based architectural bureau Chapman Taylor (www.champantaylor.com). The architectural solution was developed by Estonian architects Mihkel Tüür and Ott Kadarik from the innovative and contemporary architectural bureau Kadarik, Tüür. Arhitektid. (www.kta.ee).
One can only be free when following one’s heart. Porto Franco — the Heart of the City.